The Recruiter is that one friend who knows exactly when you need encouragement and is always willing to offer helpful advice. The Recruiter loves seeing others around them succeed and her superpower is supercharged when those in her circle are thriving. 
She is community-focused and looks for opportunities to help those around her along. She is a cheerleader and has all the qualities of a gifted teacher! 
The Recruiter will have the most growth potential if she finds like-minded artists to collaborate with on a group project. (Or a project in which she feels she can donate her time and skills to a cause that means something personally to her.)


Image by melissa haugen




The Recruiter has the superpower of relationship-building. Not only is she able to create a wide network, but is gifted at cultivating engagement. The flurry of friendships is what charges up the creativity of the Recruiter!

The Recruiter is quick to volunteer without first checking to see if she has the time to invest. She can become overwhelmed with the add'l tasks, especially if they require her to step away from the community. (eg. computer tasks, various bookkeeping)



sensitive to the needs of others

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